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Five reasons why planning your 2025 communication strategy starts now

Published on
7 October 2024

Starting to plan your 2025 communication strategy now is not just good practice; it’s a crucial step that will define your organisation’s ability to achieve its goals effectively in a fast-evolving communication landscape.

Align your strategy with upcoming organisational goals.

Defining your communication strategy beforehand ensures it aligns with your broader organisational objectives for 2025.

Suppose your organisation is planning significant projects or events in 2025. In that case, your communication strategy needs to be tightly woven around these goals. For example, suppose you aim to launch a new policy initiative in Q2. In that case, your communication efforts should build momentum well before the launch. Developing your strategy early provides the clarity needed to support your organisational goals seamlessly.

Early planning positions your communication strategy as a pillar of success.

Allocate resources effectively

Planning allows you to identify and allocate the necessary resources—budget, personnel, or technology—without last-minute surprises.

When resources are allocated in advance, it becomes easier to negotiate budgets, identify skill gaps within your team, and secure any required external support. Many organisations struggle to launch impactful campaigns because they don’t have the resources in place when they need them. Thinking ahead prevents these bottlenecks and enables smoother execution.

Allocating resources early is a proactive way to ensure campaign success.

Gain stakeholder buy-in and support.

Starting early allows you to involve critical stakeholders in the planning phase, ensuring everyone is aligned and supportive of the strategy.

When consulted early, stakeholders feel more invested in the process and will likely contribute valuable insights. This involvement reduces friction and makes it easier to implement the strategy when the time comes. Engaging stakeholders early also helps to identify potential objections or obstacles and address them before they become critical issues.

Early stakeholder engagement leads to smoother implementation and more substantial buy-in.

Mitigate risks and anticipate challenges.

An early start provides more time to conduct a thorough risk assessment and anticipate any challenges your strategy might face.

Risk mitigation is often overlooked in rushed strategies, resulting in setbacks that could have been avoided. By planning now, you can identify external factors, such as changes in regulations or industry trends, that may impact your strategy. Proactively addressing these factors ensures your organisation remains adaptable and prepared for unforeseen changes.

Identifying risks in advance strengthens your strategic position.

Build a cohesive, long-term narrative.

A communication strategy built with foresight allows you to create a cohesive, compelling narrative that develops over time.

Effective communication isn’t a series of disconnected messages but a narrative unfolding strategically. By starting now, you can craft your story, decide on key messaging points, and schedule content to build consistency and engagement with your audience. This cohesive narrative will reinforce your organisation’s identity and keep stakeholders engaged throughout the year.

A cohesive narrative ensures long-lasting impact and audience engagement.

Contact #inextremis, an agency with 30 years of experience working with EU associations. We can help you develop a comprehensive communication programme that meets your goals. Reach out today to get started!