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Launching ESMA’s New brand

Published on
25 April 2024
  1. ESMA, the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, is entering its second decade with an enhanced strategy and expanded powers, prompting modernising its visual identity.

  2. The rebranding effort aims to align ESMA’s visual identity with its evolving role and new capabilities, ensuring it represents the right image for future challenges.

  3. The new logo encapsulates ESMA’s three strategic priorities: fostering effective markets and financial stability, strengthening EU financial markets supervision, and enhancing retail investor protection.

  4. ESMA’s rebranding also emphasises its commitment to supporting sustainable finance, facilitating technological innovation, and effective data use.

  5. The refreshed identity and logo are designed to better communicate ESMA’s values and strategic objectives and reflect its readiness to address new regulatory landscapes.