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Published on
14 March 2024

Elevating European Business: The #inextremis Touch on the East Invest Logo for EUROCHAMBRES

In European business and advocacy, branding is a strategic tool that shapes perceptions and drives engagement. At the heart of this narrative is #inextremis, which has demonstrated profound expertise in crafting compelling brand identities for key European projects. One such project that stands out is the creation of the East Invest logo for EUROCHAMBRES.

Established in 1958, EUROCHAMBRES has been a pivotal force in representing the European business community. It operates as the eyes, ears, and voice of over 20 million businesses and employs over 120 million people across Europe, most of whom work in SMEs. EUROCHAMBRES’ influence is widespread, with a network that spans 1700 regional and local chambers.

The East Invest project is a testament to EUROCHAMBRES’ commitment to enhancing economic cooperation and development across Eastern Europe and beyond. For such an impactful initiative, the need for a logo that encapsulates the essence of the project and resonates with a diverse audience was paramount.

With over three decades of experience in branding and communication, #inextremis was the perfect fit for such a demanding task. The logo they developed for East Invest is a visual symbol and a narrative device. It reflects the mission of fostering connections and reinforcing economic ties across borders.

This achievement is not just about aesthetic appeal but about understanding the strategic imperatives of communication. #inextremis has proven that they are not just creators but thinkers with a keen understanding of aligning visual identity with the overarching goals of large-scale European entities like EUROCHAMBRES.

By choosing #inextremis, organisations are not just opting for a service; they are embracing a partnership that understands the heartbeat of European commerce and advocacy, ensuring that their visual identity resonates locally and across continents.