In an era where the interconnectivity of healthcare services is more crucial than ever, the Belgian Public Health Service has embarked on an ambitious initiative to streamline infection prevention and antimicrobial management across multiple care settings. The Hospital Outbreak Support Teams (HOST) initiative represents a pioneering approach to healthcare challenges, focusing on strengthening infection prevention and control (IPC) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) through regional and transversal collaborations.
The HOST HUB CHIREC project, launched in March 2021, is a beacon of this innovative strategy. It serves as a pilot, aiming to enhance the management of infectious risks and promote the prudent use of antibiotics across a network of hospitals and residential care facilities. This project underscores a pivotal shift towards a more collaborative and integrated healthcare system, addressing the pressing issue of antibiotic resistance and the quality of patient care.
#inextremis was tasked with developing the visual identity for the HOST HUB CHIREC project. Our challenge was to create a logo that encapsulates the essence of an entire healthcare revolution within a symbol.
The logo crafted by #inextremis symbolises a nexus of healthcare excellence and collaborative spirit. By integrating elements that reflect HOST’s medical and cooperative nature, the agency has provided a visual anchor that aligns perfectly with the project’s dual focus on regional cooperation and cross-sectoral knowledge sharing.
With 24 pilot projects underway across Belgium, including four in the Brussels region, the impact of these initiatives is profound. Each project, endorsed by regional hospital networks and coordinated by a lead hospital under agreement with the Belgian Public Health Service, is a step towards a more unified healthcare system.
The right partnerships can make all the difference in the fight against infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance. With #inextremis, organisations find a service provider and a strategic ally committed to crafting identities that resonate with and inspire the global community.