Reliance on Local Services in Europe: Across Europe, individuals depend on essential local public services such as transportation, housing, education, and energy. These services are vital and are supported by sustainable local public finances.
Digital Report by CMR: The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CMR) has produced a digital report addressing local finances and Europe’s green transition, particularly in recent crises.
Analysis of Trends in Local Finance: The report analyses the trends in local finances throughout Europe, from the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, utilising data from 40 European countries.
Contribution of Local Governments to Public Investment: Local and regional governments are crucial in public investment, funding 54% of it. This investment primarily supports energy efficiency, smarter public transportation, and local environmental protection.
Implications of the EU Recovery Plan: The report also investigates the impact of the €720 billion EU post-COVID recovery plan on local governments, focusing on its implications for the green transition and territorial cohesion.
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